I don't know how many times in my 31 years I have had to have this conversation. And it's really getting old (and even more annoying).
This is how a typical conversation like this goes (sad, I know):
Random: So, what's your nationality?
Me: American.
(Surprised look on Random's face because they've just realized their own ignorance-- or at least I hope that's why.)
Random: Well, I knew that...
Me: Okay, then why did you ask?
Of course, I'm not stupid-- I know what they're trying to ask. But the snob in me feels like only the proper question deserves the proper answer. :]
Let's clear this up, people:
Nationality: American. Yes, I am an American citizen. Hard to believe, I know. Just take a deep breath and let it sit. Everything is going to be okay.
Ethnicity: Chinese. My parents are Chinese, their parents are Chinese, their parents' parents are Chinese, etc.
And yes, you can be both. Chinese American. BOOM-- Mind blown!